Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Review: The Dark Knight

Review: The Dark Knight

Review: The Dark Knight Posted by Marzouq at August 4, 2008 There isnt much more that can be said about this movie that has not been said. It did live up to the hype and more, a great story line, great actors, and the perfect combination of effects to bring out the darkness of gotham. I loved that they really used the tumbler in this movie to the fullest, and that motorcycle was insane. This time around I didnt know what to expect from this movie, the best part is that it wasnt just

Dance lyric shall we

Dance lyric shall we August 4th, 2008 And the beat goes off - Boston Globe NOT LONG AGO, on a warm Thursday evening, scores of people were crowded onto one of those party boats that stays docked at a waterfront pier. And from a remarkable distance, you could feel the thump of music. Eventually, Justin Timberlakes Source: www.boston.com Return to ballroom dancing gives woman courage to leave husband - Daily Oklahoman Can a gift of dance lessons change a life? It did for Janet Carlson , wh

Review: "Fly Me To The Moon"

It's hard to get a seven-year-old and a five-year-old to take a critical approach to movies, so instead I asked my daughters Erika and Hilary - my dates to the premiere of "Fly Me To The Moon" - to rank the film among the other kids' movies they saw this summer. The result? Well, apparently "Fly" is as good as "Kit Kittredge," and even "Kung Fu Panda" (which Hilary has seen three times in the theater). And my kids report that it's much better than "Wall-E," which none of the children in my h

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